Bigfoot United States Postal Office - James Connally founded the Bigfoot post office in 1883.
The post office is a integral part of the community and is currently servicing over 400 residents and businesses. The post office offers PO boxes and rural mailbox delivery. The Bigfoot post office phone number is (830)-663-4656.
The hours are: Monday-Friday 8:00A.M. - 12:00P.M. Saturday - 8:15A.M. to 10:45A.M. Closed Sunday and federal holidays.
Bigfoot is in the Devine ISD
Contact info: 205 W. College Devine, Texas 78016, (830)851-0795
Water provided by Benton City
Contact info: PO Box 1210 Lytle, TX 78052, (830)709-3254
Fire Department provided by Bigfoot VFD
Contact info: PO Box 34, Bigfoot, Texas 78005;
Mark Leach - Fire Chief (210) 213-0554 (cell)
In Case of Fire or Emergency, dial 911, or call (830) 505-7153
Street address signs (911 signs) available by order
Contact info: Office of County Auditor, 500 E. San Antonio St., No3, Pearsall, Texas 78061, R.Morgan (830)663-2032
Frio County Offices
Sheriff's office, Tax Assessor and other county offices
Contact info:
County Commissioner Precinct #2 - Mr. Richard Graf, phone # - 930-719-2715
Frio County FSA (Farm Service Agency) Office
Contact info: Federal Building Room 107, Pearsall, Tx 78061, (830)334-3385 ext.#2
The Devine News is published weekly and services the Bigfoot area
Contact info: (830) - 665 - 2211 or email
Waste Services
Available downtown Bigfoot across from the Bigfoot park
Contact info: PO Box 69, Bigfoot, TX 78005, ask for Noel